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Web Survey Bibliography

Title A Meta-Analysis of Response Rates in Web- or Internet-Based Surveys
Author Cook, C., Heath, F., Thompson, R. L.
Source Educational and Psychological Measurement, 60, 6, pp. 821-836
Year 2000
Access date 06.09.2004
Abstract Response representativeness is more important than response rate in survey research. However, response rate is important if it bears on representativeness. The present meta-analysis explores factors associated with higher response rates in electronic surveys reported in both published and unpublished research. The number of contacts, personalized contacts, and precontacts are the factors most associated with higher response rates in the Web studies that are analyzed.
Access/Direct link SAGE Journals Online (full text)
Year of publication2000
Bibliographic typeJournal article

Web survey bibliography - 2000 (46)